Early Feng Shui Spring Fever & The Family Area

Spring Greetings!

With the wonderful warm spell we’ve been experiencing in Colorado, you can imagine my excitement when I spied new bulb shoots on my walkway the other day. Although I know it’s just the early crocus and daffodils and that I shouldn’t make the mistake of planting in early May like I did last year, I need a strong reminder.

If you’re interested in gardening and herbs, I will be giving my yearly f/ree talk at the annual HerbFest in May. (See details below)

This got me to thinking about the Family area of the Bagua, which I haven’t written about in awhile. This area of the Bagua relates to the period from early March to early April and in the I Ching, which Feng Shui is partly based on, it’s connected to springtime, thunderstorms, the Wood element, and those new shoots I was referring to.

Early Feng Shui Spring Fever & the Family Area

The Family relates to strong roots. The ideas planted by our birth families, just like the roots of our tree and flower friends, are always growing beneath the surface. Even in the dead of winter (sleep & quiet time), they’re growing even when not visible. And, the lessons and ideas that were planted into our young minds are still growing, unless they’ve been removed and replaced by others.

In Feng Shui, the Family area is connected to the essence of our being. It’s our foundation. It’s no mistake that the Bagua attributes the feet and legs to this area. If you’re not experiencing stability and balance, visualize your legs and feet rooting into the earth like a tree with deep roots. Family is related to the Wood element and obviously trees are a powerful symbol here.

In Feng Shui, our view of Family includes not only our family of origin, but also the family we married into, the people we regularly hang out with, and the many groups we belong to. In a loose sense, it even includes all of the people in the community where we currently live.

In the past, families worked together as a unit on small farms or as a team supporting the family business. Now the groups we work and play with often replace our family of origin.Your teachers, mentors, and other wise beings in your life are also linked to the Family area and they help you to remember who you really are and connect you to the core of your being.

If this area is cluttered, in disrepair, or missing, it may indicate family problems or that the health of one or more family members is at risk. Simply clearing clutter in this area and making necessary repairs can go a long way to help balance this area of your life.

Enhance this area if:

  • you feel that the foundations of your life are shifting and that you’re out of control.
  • you are beginning a new project
  • you wish to make a fresh start in any area of your life.
  • you need to promote yourself businesswise or socially
  • if you are in a new relationship, recently married, adding to your family, or starting a new family (Personally I would include pets here.)
  • you’re experiencing problems with your legs or feet
  • if anyone in your family is experiencing any other health problems

Common Enhancements include:

  • Healthy plants
  • Photos of family members or healthy trees
  • The Water element
  • The colors green and/or black
  • Objects or décor made of wood


  • Metal objects
  • Candles
  • The colors white and red

Finally, reflect on your Family area as an opportunity to move forward in life and to create new beginnings

—after all, it’s spring!

May your Family be strong & healthy!


© Suzanne Metzger • Feng Shui Consulting Services • 3/4/16

Q & A

Q: I’ve read many books on Feng Shui and even though I’ve put most of my attention on the Wealth area, I can’t seem to get ahead and most of the time I’m even having a problem making ends meet. Can you recommend a book on Feng Shui and money?

A: Sorry, but no. You’ve already read many good books and my newsletters. Feng Shui is an oral tradition and most people receive the greatest benefit by having either an on-site or phone consultation.

If that’s not possible, the Family area, which I’ve written about this month, in addition to the Wealth area, is a key area to pay attention to when money is an issue. Also, all of the Bagua areas work together, so make sure the other areas are in balance.

Stay tuned to my newsletters! In April or May I’ll write more about Wealth from my perspective.


F/ree Talk – Your Feng Shui Garden: Herbs, Scents & Colors

Saturday, May 7th    

2 to 2:45 p.m.

At the Pikes Peak HerbFest

We will discuss the garden Bagua and have a lively discussion on herbs, scents & colors to enhance your garden.

The HerbFest will be held at the

Aspen Pointe Café from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 7th

Located in the El Paso County Citizens Center

1675 Garden of the Gods Rd. – Colorado Springs

For more information about the HerbFest & other speakers,

Phone 719 – 226-9818

Posted in Feng Shui Tips.