Feng Shui Tips for Good Monkey Business in the New Year


The Chinese Lunar New Year (the Year of the Red Fire Monkey) begins on February 8th. Expect this fiery little rascal to swing in with enthusiasm. It’s important to be clear at the onset about what you really want to create for yourself this year. Then plan to go for it by setting concrete goals and scheduling actions.

Personally, I love to create a vision board at this time. Also, I’ve found it empowering to set a theme for the beginning of each New Year. My main theme this year is to release, let go & move on. Last year it was connection.

If you choose to make a vision board or even write a powerful affirmation about the year ahead (or both), place it in the Fame area of your home. If that doesn’t work, place it in the Fame area of an important room, like your bedroom or living room. Remember it doesn’t need to show to work it’s powerful magic.

Nine Tips to help you prepare for the Chinese New Year

  1. Clean and refresh your home and your own personal energy.
  • Remove, clean & reenergize any Feng Shui remedies you have placed in the past. Then assess whether they are correct for where you are in your life now.

  • If you need to do something personally to feel your best and bring up your energy, such as getting a haircut, do it before February 8th.

  • Pay special attention to your kitchen. Clean and clear out clutter or anything that really isn’t necessary.

This includes replacing food that you will never eat with an abundance of non-perishable food that you know you’ll use. This signals the Universe to grant you more prosperity in the New Year.

  • Clean your stove. A good Feng Shui tip to use anytime! The stove is directly related to inviting wealth and good fortune into your life.

– Clear the area both inside and outside of your front door. The front door is one of the most important areas that we consider in Feng Shui because it is connected to how much opportunity you’re willing and able to invite into your home.

  • Clean mirrors and windows. This Feng Shui tip works anytime for bringing more clarity and is especially important when you have important decisions pending.
  1. Handle incomplete projects. Ask yourself whether they are still relevant. If so, schedule them. If not, release them.
  1. If you have old unpaid bills or broken agreements, find a way to connect with the person or organization involved and make a new agreement. Unpaid bills and broken agreements can affect your well-being on many levels—sometimes so subtly that you won’t see an obvious connection.

Also, pay your current bills before February 8th.

  1. Release anything unwanted. If you have an existing give away pile, deliver it to its final destination before the 8th.
  1. Check to be sure that all your lights are working.Replace burnt-out bulbs.
  1. Liven up your home with fresh flowers and new plants. Suggestions are orchids, narcissus and lucky bamboo. Colorful flowers signal a prosperous beginning to your year.
  1. For this year only, place a round metallic item in the Center of your home.
  1. No matter what you’re doing that day, look your best and wear clothing you love.
  1. Plan to eat well and enjoy the day like a sociable little Fire Monkey!

Finally, do as much of the above as you can. Then let go and relax into the New Year.

May you enjoy Fortunate Blessings as you swing on into a lucky New Year!


© Suzanne Metzger • Feng Shui Consulting Services • 1/30/16

Suzanne has been a student of Feng Shui since 1988, a professional Feng Shui Consultant since 1997, & an active full-time practitioner in the human potential field since 1979.


 Q &A

Q – My late husband and I have a standing invitation from friends who have a Super Bowl Party every year. This year it’s on February 7th—the day before the Chinese New Year. Is it appropriate for me to go?

A – Definitely you should go! Do as many of the above tips as you can prior to the Super Bowl to prepare for the New Year.

Also, plan ahead for a festive meal for yourself on the 8th—either at home or out with friends. If you cook at home, have everything set up so that it will easily come together.

Your late husband would be delighted to know that you’re embracing the happy traditions of your marriage by continuing activities that you both enjoyed together and, at the same time, preparing for a successful year ahead for yourself.