Light Your Fire

Pay Attention to the FAME area

Have you noticed that artists generally do life their own way? Artists create amazing new expressions of art by taking risks with the medium they’re working with. They try new shapes, colors, and textures. Successful artists often even risk ruining a piece in order to try something new.

Many artists also step out in “costume,” wearing clothing and colors that sparkle and shout “Look, here I am!” Art is all about the Fire element and self-expression. Success in any of the arts requires a good dose of Fire, which can be either inborn or cultivated.

Even if you don’t think of yourself as an artist, you are. Every moment you are creating your life and calling upon a spark of Fire to move it in the direction you want to go.

Fire is the element related to the Fame area*. When the Fame area of the Bagua of your home and yard are in balance, you naturally communicate to the world that you’re not afraid of being known and seen. You are viewed as forward looking and proactive about your future.

The Fame area is one of the spaces that a Feng Shui Consultant will read to predict your probable future. This area relates to your ability to visualize and, even more importantly, to actualize your future.

Blocked doors and windows in this area are a sign that you may not be able to clearly see what you want to create OR that you have an intense fear of what’s ahead. If you can’t look forward, you can’t alter your course.

Clutter is another issue to address in this area. Wherever there’s clutter, there’s confusion and lack of control.



  • Add actual fire (candles, for example), triangular shapes or the colors red or green.
  • Create a vision board, or another visual representation of what you wish to generate in your life and display it here.
  • If you’re experiencing fear about what’s next for you, consider also enhancing your Career area. Career relates to your entire journey through life. Possibly add moving water, like a fountain or a waterfall, to help break up deep-seated doubts and fears. Also adjust the area of the Bagua related to your fear.
  • Make sure that your windows and doors are not blocked and work properly.

Know yourself as the designer and creator of your life and that your life is a blank canvas waiting for your inspiration.

Try anything that you’ve been putting off that you’ve always wanted to do. If this seems risky, start small.

In the Fame area of your home and/or yard, add something bright and cheery. Personally step out and wear red or another bright (but flattering) color that shouts “Look I’m here.” (especially if doing this is a stretch for you), make a small change to your hairstyle, visit a new group, or engage in a new activity. All of these things will help to move you into the limelight and along your future path.

Summer is associated with both the Fire element and the Fame area, and is the perfect time to take action.

Go for it!


© 5/30/11 Suzanne Metzger • Feng Shui Consulting Services • All Rights Reserved

* (the center back third of your home and lot—assuming that it is square or rectangular)

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