Your Path Through Life

The Career Area

Career in Feng Shui is about more than just your job or profession. It represents your entire journey through life. It marks the beginning of your individual path, beginning with time spent in the womb continuing until your death (and possibly beyond).

The Water element is strongest in the Career area. Water is all about flow and, unless man has intervened, water rarely moves in a straight line. This is a sign that it’s unlikely that our own life path will proceed in a straight line. Perhaps we are really meant to spend time exploring all of those interesting experiences and places along the way—even if we’re diverted from our original goal.

Most of us have many interests. Possibly you’ve had more than one career and there are probably many different parts of you that cry out to be expressed. Sometimes these parts turn out to provide something much greater than ever imagined. Often they will move you toward greater fulfillment and success in both your career and your life in general.

Always be open to new possibilities that appear on your path. In my own life I’ve noticed that several “crumby” little jobs along the way have taught me either an important skill, a life lesson that I may not have learned otherwise, or that I made a valuable connection with a person or group.

The Career area is located in the center third of the front of your space. It’s likely that your front door is here. (Otherwise the door will be in Helpful People or Knowledge.)

Adjust the Career area when:

  • You have actual career or job issues
  • You want to discover your life purpose or don’t feel like you’re on the right path
  • You don’t know what to do next
  • You have problems with your bladder, kidneys, or with the circulation of fluids in your body
  • You have issues related to your ears–including difficulty hearing, ear infections, or problems with balance. Problems related to listening to others or your experience of others listening to you can also show up in this area.

Possible adjustments

(These suggestions should always be used in conjunction with medical advice)

Add either actual or symbolic Water to the area. There are two kinds of water–still and moving. At different times in your life, you will need more of one type than the other. There will also be times when you will need an abundance of both.

1) If you want to stimulate your career or bring traffic into your office, consider adding a fountain or a picture of moving water such as a waterfall or a river.

2) If you wish to create more wisdom, peace, or stillness in your life, it would be more appropriate to place still water. This could be a picture of a pond, a lake, or a vase filled with water and a single flower. If you choose actual water, be sure to change it often. (Stagnant or dirty water can cause your life to stagnate.)

· For issues related to your ears, try adding one or more conical seashells. They not only represent the water element, but they are shaped like an ear.

· If depression is an issue, you may have an excess of the water element, not only in the Career area, but throughout your entire space–or constitutionally. If this is so, see if reducing the water element and adding a touch of fire helps.

· Chronic dehydration. Often this is easily remedied through nutritional intervention or by simply drinking more water. However, it could be related to something in your space.

Look to see if there is anything in the Career area preventing you from taking preventative action. Examples are oversized furniture or clutter. The remedy, of course, is to remove it.

Another thing to look for is an overabundance of the fire or wood element.

May Your Journey Be Filled With Vibrant Health & Joy!


© 5/1/12 • Suzanne Metzger • All Rights Reserved


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