Feng Shui Tips to Promote Health and Fitness

Greetings Everyone!

Many people are beginning now to revisit their New Year’s resolutions related to exercise, fitness, and health. These goals often slip into obscurity during cooler weather, only to resurface with intensity in the spring.

Springtime is associated with the Wood element, which is related to fitness. Wood is energetic and it wants you to move your body. It can help you to improve your focus and can be used positively to help you achieve and even surpass the personal goals and standards you’ve set for yourself.

Although most exercise is closely related to the Wood element, the discipline required to achieve fitness is also related to the Metal element. If fitness is a goal and you are personally balanced in Metal, you will not only have a workout schedule, but you will have firm, but not overly rigid, boundaries. In other words, you aren’t likely to let others infringe on your workout schedule or seduce you into eating foods that won’t benefit your fitness and health goals–except if an unusual circumstance should occasionally arise.

To promote fitness the Feng Shui way, pay attention to your kitchen and the contents of your closets. Also, enhance the Knowledge and Helpful People areas as suggested toward the end of this article.

Begin by cleaning your kitchen, with emphasis on your stove. Then clear anything off your counters that you don’t use at least every two or three days. Yes, this includes appliances that you only need occasionally.

Tackle your pantry and cabinets next. Discard food, vitamins, and anything else that has expired or that you know you are unlikely to use. Get rid of other items that are no longer needed. When you release unwanted and unused items from your cabinets and countertops, you are creating an environment that can attract both information and food that will support your body and also help you to shed unwanted pounds–if that’s what’s needed.

Now go to your closet. Remove everything that does not fit or reflect the person you are now or who you want to be in the near future. If you’re not ready to release certain items, box them up, label the contents, and place them in the garage or an out-of-the-way place. Mark them with a date six months to a year in the future. If you haven’t needed to retrieve anything from that box during that time, toss the box.

Also, check out your Knowledge area. If you are trying to learn more about fitness, nutrition, or a related subject, place books on the topic and other relevant materials in this area.

Finally, go to your Helpful People area. Place a symbol here that reflects your desire to receive the help you need in achieving your fitness goals. This could be a picture of a fitness trainer or a normal person who is healthy and fit. It could also be an affirmation acknowledging that you have easily achieved your goal. Or, it can be any other symbol that represents fitness and health to you. Doing this will help you to ask for assistance whenever you feel stuck.

You deserve to be well and fit. So, go for it!

May you always be healthy & well!

Suzanne Metzger

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